Duex Capital Group

Se Habla Español


I had inherited a property from my father 4 years ago when he passed away. He had it rented for 8+ years to the same tenant when the ownership switched over to me. The property was in really bad condition. My father had not made any repairs for over 10+ years at the property. After a few months of owning the property,..

I had a piece of land in Miami Gardens we had bought years ago in Miami Gardens. It used to be a house. I bought it in foreclosure and the city made me knock it down. It was a lot of problems. We thought we were going to lose all our money. I called Duex Capital after doing a google search...

Yo era el dueno de una casa en Miami Gardens por varios anos. Yo antes vivia en la casa antes de comprar otra en Hialeah Gardens. Yo la tenia alquilada a una familia por varios anos. Durante la pandemia, el negocio mio no estaba bien. Yo necesitaba dinero para seguir con mi negocio...

I was on the web one evening and I was looking up companies who could buy an investment property that I owned. I had owned this property for over 20 years. It was the first house I bought. I wanted to sell it because I was trying to buy a vacation condo on the beach. I worked very hard my entire life...